This one is ticking big time!

There is always this rush to create something which the whole world will lap up; a global product. And in today’s time, creating that wining app is what every company aspires for.
Looks like despite what Trump says and does, China does have a winner app and this one is made in China. Known as ‘Tik Tok’, within two years, it now has half a billion users and 40% of these are outside China. This app, like so many others already there, allows users to post short videos of themselves lip-syncing, cooking, dancing or just having fun.
This app is created by Beijing-based startup Bytedance and it has gained an international edge over China's already established social media platforms.
Currently, the top three social video app which are downloaded the most are Tik Tok, Vigo and Instagram, which belongs to Facebook. This startup is presently valued at around $75 billion, which makes ByteDance one of the world's most valuable startups alongside Uber.
How we wish that India too has an app which is 100% made in India like Tik Tok in China and becomes a global brand…something which we do not have yet.
23rd Oct 2018 at 10:37 am