Tractors offer double income for farmers

Long gone are the days when farmers would stand gazing at the clouds awaiting run or sun so that their crops would bloom in time for the next season. Now, farmers, even after harvesting days are over rake in money thanks to their vehicle of preference- tractors.
The typically farmer vehicle, tractors has become indispensable for their survival- both inside and outside their farm land. These tractors are durable, long lasting and are designed to have low maintenance costs and high mileage. The accessories that the tractors come with make it useful for non-agricultural activities, as well. Tractor accessories and attachments like tipper trailer, front dozer, back hoe, laser land leveler are now given on rent by farmers for bridge and road constructions. In states like Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan; the use of tractors in non-agricultural activities has been the biggest source of farmer’s income.
The case of rural India being poor India will soon change as the indifference of income is ironically increasing more within urban cities itself. While the rural towns and villages have support from the Government and low subsidy, tax free income and goods; urban masses are dwelling under burdens of increasing prices and decreasing standard of living. Would it be a stretch to say soon city goers will start moving to villages for better incomes and quality of life?