Trains remain unsafe

about 7 years ago
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While there are many who say that Indian Railways has improved; there is no doubt about that but the situation over security remains scary, even now.

According to data collated by Indian Railways, between January and June this year, 9,222 cases of thefts of passengers' belongings were registered whereas the number of robberies stood at 159.

In addition, 89 incidents of victims being robbed after being sedated were reported. A total of 1,378 people were arrested during this period. A total of 55,369 cases of theft and 1,570 robberies took place inside running trains in the last three and a half years.

The maximum numbers of theft cases were reported from Central Railway at 3907 followed by Western Railway (2844), Northern railway (2480) and Southern Railway (2093). Maximum robberies took place in Northern Railway followed by Western Railway and Central Railway.

And here we though that we were so safe and secure!

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