Vimal goes "Unformal"

We might have heard of people burning piles of clothes during the Swadeshi movement. But have you ver heard of a “No tie day ” movement? Well, that is what happened on Friday – an advertisement gimmick by Reliance, it organized “tie-burning parties” across India and announced its new range of Vimal wear- “Unformals”. This is campaign stressing the need to go to work without a tie on Friday, the last day of the week , marking the beginning of the weekend.
The campaign known as “Time to be Unformal”, aimed to make going to work without a tie, aimed at the youth who want to break away from conventional formal wear concept and are looking for new ways to make it interesting. The most interesting and path breaking aspect of this campaign is that its entire advertising is only on the social network platform - teaser videos on the concept on Youtube channel, a tie-obituary app on Facebook, VimalUnformal microsite, Twitter and Soundcloud accounts. As such ties should be done away with as we are going about following the rules set by the Western world with no real meaning to that noose around the neck. Or is that the symbolism of the tie- work is the noose, do not allow it to strangulate you!