Visiting Iran anyone?

With Trump getting the second most powerful man in Iran killed, tensions are simmering. What is even worse is that Trump has warned that if Iran retaliates, the US will destroy 52 military and cultural sites in Iran. Now this is most certainly a war-crime (attacking civilian or cultural sites) but then its Trump…anything can happen.
But the most endearing thing which has emerged out of this threat is hundreds of Iranians taking on to Instagram to post fantastic pictures of cultural importance in the region. The places are simply breath-taking and if lost, will indeed be a huge loss to human civilization.
Iranians are naturally, alarmed and want the world to wake up and see exactly what is at risk. The hanshtag #IranianCulturalSites is now a virtual museum of spectacular mosques, incredible monuments and some very old, immaculately preserved townships.
Though the Iranians are calling upon the world to come and visit the country, saying that it is more peaceful that what is portrayed in the media, it is unlikely that, at the moment, there will be any takers. Hope Trump does not follow up on his threat and better sense prevails..that’s asking for too much, isn’t it?