Wedding of the year!

Forget all about the heroes and heroines getting married in November, the wedding of the year will undoubtedly be that of Mukesh Ambani’s daughter, Isha Ambani with Anand Piramal, son of billionaire, Ajay Piramal.
The date is fixed for 12th Dec and the wedding invitation itself is a prelude to what extravagance one can expect for the wedding.
Worth Rs.3 lakh each, the ‘invitation’ is not just a card in an envelope. It comes in an intricately designed box with the initials of the couple – IA, on the top. Open the box and there is a diary, which features invites to the wedding, as well as a letter written by Isha and Anand. There is also an itinerary of the wedding functions. It also contains a box embossed with golden embroidery, which plays the tune of the Gayatri Mantra once it is opened. Apart from that, there are four other small boxes with gifts.
In a heart-warming letter, the couple say that they are immensely missing their grandfathers Motapapa Dhirubhai, Nana Ravindrabhai, Dada Gopikishan Piramal, and Nana Niranjan Shah. They also say that they truly grateful and feel truly blessed to have all their four grandmothers with them for the wedding celebrations.
The couple has also a flower dedicated to each of their grandmothers – the Lotus to Kokila Mummy, the Hibiscus to Purnima Nani, the Rose to Lalita Dadi and the Frangipani to Arunika Nani – symbolising virtues of purity, positivity, passion and prosperity.
We will soon have a lot of people talking about how this money being spent is so ostentatious and could be used for betterment of starving people in India. But lets be fair here – its their personal money and they can indeed spend it the way they want to. The Ambani’s do do their part of CSR and more. And frankly, a wedding as huge as this, will give employment and money to so many people, which otherwise would have remained in the bank or elsewhere. So such BIG weddings are very good for the economy!
12th Nov 2018 at 04:55 pm
12th Nov 2018 at 04:13 pm
12th Nov 2018 at 11:28 am