What relevance does it truly have?

International Woman’s Day? Really? What relevance does it truly have? A day or two ago, we got this ghastly news of 19 female fetuses’ found in a sewer in Sangli, Maharashtra. And yet we celebrate womanhood in a country where a girl child is snuffed out of her life even before she is born.
We living in the cities think it’s a big deal but it all begins and ends with email and Whatsapp messages wishing, forwarding each other inane messages. That’s all, Of course there are online retailers offering discounts but for a regular woman, it is life as usual. It begins and ends with her relentless work in the kitchen, home, child, job and are care givers to aged parents/relatives. For the women in the village, it is a meaningless thing – she needs to walk through parched heat for water and cook, knit, clean and work tirelessly.
This International Woman’s Day is merely a corporate gimmick. Each and every day is a woman’s day because the wheels of the world turn around because of her. We women really do not need a separate day to celebrate out womanhood – that in itself is discrimination.
14th Mar 2017 at 05:06 pm
14th Mar 2017 at 05:04 pm
8th Mar 2017 at 06:40 pm
8th Mar 2017 at 05:35 pm
8th Mar 2017 at 03:51 pm
8th Mar 2017 at 03:37 pm
8th Mar 2017 at 02:55 pm