Where there is a will.....

With winter spreading its chill all across India, the quality of air, especially in North India, Delhi specifically is very bad. We are grappling with the situation while politicians are busy mudslinging and doing the only thing they are good at – politicking.
On the other hand, it was quite a revelation to know that Thailand, more so Bangkok is also dealing very poor air quality. Air pollution has reached hazardous levels in Bangkok, leading some Govt officials to attempt an unusual approach: letting drones spray the pollution out of the sky.
An official from the Defense Technology Institute, a government agency, said the test, in which drones sprayed for less than an hour, reduced the concentration of PM2.5 by 10 micrograms per cubic meter on average.
It’s unclear if the plan is scalable, as it was only attempted in a single Bangkok park. Elsewhere in Bangkok, people were fighting air pollution with a slightly more head-on tactic, spraying a water cannon from on top of a truck.
Wonder why we in India re trying out these easy solutions? Lack of will or complete apathy towards the people who elected them to power?
25th Jan 2019 at 10:56 am