Who is the most peaceful of all?

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago

Given the unrest in the society , world over, currently travelling seems to be a crazy notion. The shootings in USA, the social unrest and refugee crisis in Europe, the tinder box that is Turkey and Egypt; China was never an option. Wouldn’t it be nice to know to which are indeed the safest places where one could travel to today?

Doing just that is Vision of Humanity, which is a project of the independent organization Institute for Economics & Peace, compiled its annual list of Global Peace Index, edition for 2016. And its top of the envelope immediate conclusion is that the world is lot less peaceful and more unequal. The majority of the global deterioration is due to the developments in the Middle East and Africa (MENA), already the least peaceful region in the world.  So intense is the current concentration of violence and conflict in MENA that, when considered separately, the rest of the world’s average peace levels improved. Three of the five biggest country declines in peace occurred in the region: Yemen, Libya and Bahrain.

As per this study, the most peaceful country in earth currently is Iceland, followed by Denmark, with third spot going to Austria. New Zealand is at 4th, Portugal at 5, Czech at 6, Switzerland at 7, Canada at 8, Japan at 9 and Slovenia at 10. UK is at 47th spot and America much, much lower at 103, even below Uganda and Papua New Guinea. The small country of Bhutan is at number 13.

India is at 141 and Pakistan, if it makes you feel any better is at 153. Last on the list is Syria at 163, South Sudan at 162, Iraq at 161 and Afghanistan at 160.

While compiling this list, various factors are taken into consideration like numbers of police or security personnel, presence of nuclear weapons, and political instability. For more insight into this report, you can go to: http://www.visionofhumanity.org/#page/indexes/global-peace-index/2016/IND/OVER