Why Budget only on 28th Feb?

The Union Budget is the biggest event for the stock markets; it is like the Oscars for the movie industry. And the markets start moving almost one month before the budget, in anticipation of the sops which could come. The pre-budget rally is as important as the Budget itself. And the day of the Budget, the market has this palpable, almost tangible excitement, with stocks poised for take-off or landing.
But this year, we have a predicament; the biggest event of the stock market comes on a Saturday. 28th Feb, the date of the Budget is a holiday and this is like such a big letdown for all the traders and marketmen. The BSE and NSE are supposedly in talks with SEBI to allow trading on 28th though no word yet on the same.
And that makes us wonder – why is the Budget always on 28th of Feb? If this fell on a Saturday, why was it not held on 27th, which is a Friday or on 3rd which is a Monday’; all such confusion could have been avoided. Well, 28th Feb is a tradition as the Lok Sabha needs one month to review and modify the Budget proposals. The new fiscal begins on 1st April and most Budget proposals come into effect from that date and that’s why the pressure to have it on 28th. Even then, holding it on 27th would have not have caused any harm. Would that have required too much courage; to do things differently or for the convenience of the markets?