Zoozoo's are back in hordes

You don’t have to be young or old to like them. They are cute and appeal to masses of all ages across the country. In fact, when they were first launched in 2009; it became a rage in the country. The adorable Zoozoos which were first launched during the Indian Premier League entertained us during the annual cricket league for three consecutive years but gave it a miss in 2012.
If you missed them in 2012, you would have seen that this season they have made up for their disappearance. They are back in hordes, with a new avatar with Zoozoos i..e humans dressed in costumes and their gang of animated tiny zoozoos. Vodafone had basically launched them to connect with their customers and now with Zoozoo merchandise being sold in tons; their mission is successful.
Today the Zoozoos have not just become a mascot of Vodafone, it has become a cult with which they identify the brand. It wont be wrong to classify it with legendary Indian characters such as Amul Girl of Amul India, Maharaja of Air India and Gattu of Asian Paints. The IPL matches and the players might have left a one disgruntled but the Zoozoo’s are the today the best part about the IPL tamasha!