Auto Monthly Sales Reporting - Seen Having Motive?

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

Auto makers being CV, PV, 2&3 Wheelers, Tractor makers, report their monthly sales numbers to exchanges, of every month, from 1st of the next month, starting from 9 am. Companies report such sales, first in the order are Escorts, Maruti, Bajaj Auto and Tata Motors.

But July sales number reporting were seen missing yesterday, 1st August, with Eicher CV sales seen first at 11 am, followed by Tata and Escorts, both at 1.38 pm.and Eicher RE at 5 pm. No other sales were reported till 5 pm yesterday, maybe on the fear that good sales numbers may not get captured in the share price.

July sales were in general expected to be good, across the board, as lost sales of May and June is seen being getting captured in this month. So, companies may want to see its positive effect on share price. It is also seen a general practice, that during market hours, news flows are positive, while off market news flows are seen dull or negative.

Can companies have motive in reporting, which should be at the earliest and unbiased?

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