Bharti Airtel - Sending LOUD & CLEAR Message

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

Bharti Airtel rose from Rs. 587, on 26th August to Rs. 680, giving a return of about 16% in about 2 weeks.

Positive news flows are seen to be the reason for this. Rights issue of Rs. 21,000 cr, on an attractive price, with friendly terms of payment, for growth capital, was liked by the market. Infact, talk of Google making a big investment in the company, is likely to fructify in the next couple of months, which will be a big kicker for the stock to move to Rs. 750 in the near term, eventually to kiss 4 digits in a year.

ARPU is estimated to rise to Rs. 200 by March 22, from Rs. 146 for June 21 quarter. Launch of 5G, with new initiative on Technology upgradation, will put the company, ahead of its rivals. Even exit of Idea Vodafone is seen imminent, while Airtel will be able to grab two third subscribers of Idea, due to Technology compatibility.

Even Funds and Institutional Investors, keen to have pure telecom exposure, are seen moving from RIL to Airtel now, while this pace will gather momentum, on unfolding of more news flows.

Promoter stake at 55%, with Funds, Institutional Investors & OCBs holding 43%, leaves just 2% as public float, which will also be instrumental for the stock to move up faster.

Bharti Airtel is definitely moving to become BEST TELECOM player from INDIA.

This is not a Buy or Sell recommendation, while stock recommendations are provided exclusively to our paid members in the Member Zone.

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