Gujarat Petrosynthese - What's in name

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

Gujarat Petrosynthese is a BSE listed stock, with m cap of just Rs. 30 cr. Company has nothing to do with Gujarat, a name which it is carrying. Company's Regd Office is at Bengaluru, plant in Bengaluru, Head Office in Mumbai. Even Auditor of the company is from Mumbai. However Directors Report is signed by 2 Directors, again 1 from Mumbai while another 1 from San Francisco. Company Secretary is from Sagar M.P. For a change, Secretarial Auditor is from Vadodara.

One can understand global spread in this Covid time, when all companies are transacting on Virtual platform, but this company had some of these features in FY 20 as well.

Is it a better Corporate Governance?
What company is trying to achieve and project?

This is not a sell recommendation, while stock recommendations are provided exclusively to our paid members in the Member Zone.

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