JITF Infra - Share Dhoondate Rah Jaoge

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

JITF Infralogistics (JITF) was recommended by us at Rs. 34.50 on 11th Aug, as Multibagger. Thereafter, it was covered in MG section here on 17th Aug, when it was ruling at Rs. 44. Share is now ruling at Rs. 100, locked in UC, having given 200% retrns in just 1 month. We called the stock a GOLDMINE, over the next 5 years, seen capable of giving 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x ........ kind of returns in this period. Stock has almost tripled in less than 1 month.Yesterday stock gave one more buying opportunity at 2 pm, but agn hit UC in 10 minues. it was basically tarnsfer of trades by HNIs, to cap Gain in 1 account and therafter to buy it in another account.

This O.P. Jindal Group company, aims to be a prominent infrastructure development company, with focus on sustainable development in the Railway Rolling Stock manufacturing, Water and Waste Water EPC business and Waste to Energy under Municipal Solid Waste management sector.

Paid up equity of the company is tiny, just at Rs. 5.14 cr (FV Rs.2), with promoter stake of 63%, while 9% is held by the Institutional Investors & HNIs. About 31,000 retail shareholders are holding 28% stake, with less than 72 lakh shares held by them, as at  30th June, 21.

If we go by trading pattern, stock has seen total cash volume (stock is in T2T, hence entire volume is taken as delivery) of about 40 lakh shares, between 20th July (when stock was ruling at sub Rs.20) to 8th September in last 45 days. On 2nd Sept, we stated stock hitting LC some day, in article loaded here, while share hit LC on that very day, having obliged our members, with cash volume of 8.50 lakh shares seen on that day. On same day, stock hit LC & UC.

Of public float of 72 lakh shares, about 35% has changed hands, while generally more than 50% float never gets traded. This means tradeab;le float of about 10 lakh shars is seen now. Stock may keep hitting UC, practically for this entire month, making it double, even from the present levels, largely to mop up this 10 lakh shares.Those who missed to buy it yesterday, now may have to wait to buy at around Rs.130 or satnd in the Queue daily at 9 am. .

Present M cap of Rs. 260 cr is seen too low, for this OP Jindal Group company. For Q1 FY22, consolidated income was at Rs. 208 cr, with EBITDA of Rs. 30 cr. Company has invested over Rs. 1,000 cr in Fixed Assets.

Those who are holding it,an  advice to them is to hold till Rs.200 and review then.

Those holding the stock, are unlikely to exit soon, as stock has potential to rise by 5x to 10x in 3 years from here.
Those who missed to buy it earlier, will be eager to have an entry now.   

This is not a Buy or Sell recommendation, while stock recommendations are provided exclusively to our paid members in the Member Zone.

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