SAIL Q4 - Defines Investors' Psyche

By Research Desk
about 4 years ago

SAIL has posted exemplary Q4 numbers on last Thursday, while these numbers were uploaded on wee hours of Friday (at 2 am) on Stock exchanges. We called it excellent numbers on Friday from 8.40am in our query section. But these classic numbers defines the psyche of investors in different category.

1)    One class of investors looked for share price, while first 2 hours of trading saw share trading flat. These investors termed it as flat or No effect numbers and did not buy the stock.

2)    Second one are those who waited to listen to TV Channel in-house analysts and hourly experts there, who also called it flat, as share price was seen ruling flat for first couple of hours. This class taking it as conclusive analysis, exited from it.

3)    Third one are those who relying on our analysis, held on to the stock, to see it rising after first couple of hours, to finally close the day with 5% gains, with record cash volume seen of over 4.50 crore shares.

Now come Monday- First category will see having received Fund, would be keen to buy it. Second one would console themselves by saying that they booked gains, now wish to buy it again and will ask levels to buy. While third category will sit relaxed and enjoy the ride, by holding its cash investment having bought by them earlier.

Identify in which category you fall?
Amateur analysis can be hazardous to the heath of Investment Portfolio.
No Faith, No Gain.   
This is not a buy recommendation, while stock recommendations are provided exclusively to our paid members in the Member Zone.

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