8K Miles

The company, a leading global Cloud & Security solutions company headquartered in the San Francisco Bay area, announced its Q1FY16 numbers yesterday and like its Q4 numbers, these too were pretty good. QoQ, consolidated total income rose 21% at Rs.51 crore and net profit was at Rs.10 crore, up 25%. EBITDA was up 24% at Rs.16 crore.
The company has stated that it foresees a strong growth for its public cloud transformation business as its partners like Amazon Web Services recently announced that their overall cloud infrastructure services revenue for the last fiscal year was exceeding over 5 billion dollars. This level of maturity in enterprise cloud adoption is expected to drive bigger opportunities for 8K Miles’ secured cloud platform.
The company is making a mark for itself as a differentiated cloud managed solution provider to the Healthcare sector. By leveraging its expertise in cloud solutions, 8K Miles hopes to help hospitals and healthcare provider and this has become its niche. FY15 has been a bumper year for the company, with its consolidated net profit jumping up 212% at Rs.19 crore on a 184% increase in revenue at Rs.125 crore. FII stake in the company is nil.