Adani Power
By Research Desk
about 10 years ago
The company continues to post losses though one can take some solace from the fact that its consolidated net loss for the quarter came in at Rs.429 crore, lower than Rs.545 loss of Q3FY14 and loss of Rs.799 crore in Q2FY15. And as usual, it is the huge interest burden which pushed the company into the red – outgo for the quarter at Rs.1459 crore rose 36% (YoY) and for 9MFY15, it was pretty gargantuan at Rs.4000 crore, same as the outgo for entire FY14.
The company’s net revenue rose 31% at Rs.5496. Fuel cost continued to dominate the operating costs, comprising 71% of the total cost, up 26%. EBITDA for the quarter came in at Rs.1762 crore, up 63% and margins improved from 25.84% to 32.06%.
512.45 (+2.05)