Arvind Ltd

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago


The company posted a disappointing Q2FY16. It posted a consolidated net profit of Rs.91 crore, down 2% (YoY) and this was on a net sales of Rs.2094 crore, up 7%. EBITDA for the quarter was up 8% at Rs.261 crore and margins came in at 12.46% v/s Rs.12.35% (YoY). 

Tax outgo for the quarter rose 67% at Rs.40 crore and this is what to a large extent pulled down the profit. There was also an exceptional expense of Rs.4 crore on account of compensation of retrenchment of workers. In terms of segment, textiles showed a 6% rise in EBIT while brand and retailing did the best, showing a 50% rise in EBIT. Starting 1st April 2015, the realty segment of the company was demerged.  Its debt as at 30th Sept 2015 was at Rs.3368 crore, up 9%.


328.00 (-20.00)