The market is pretty disappointed with the performance of CMC Ltd. It’s consolidated net profit for Q4Fy15 was down 2% (QoQ) at Rs.70.58 crore. Net profit for FY15 was also down – at Rs.277 crore, a fall of 1%. Income for the quarter was at Rs.666 crore, up 4%. EBITDA for the quarter came in at Rs.96 crore , up 2% but margins slipped from 14.73% to 14.41%. Operating costs were up 5%.
In terms of segmental break-up, revenue from Education and Training showed the best growth at 50% , followed by Customer Services at 46%. All the other verticals – Systems Integration, IT enabled solution and SEZ showed a decline. And in terms of EBIT growth, Education turned around from a loss of Rs.48 lakh in Q3 to a profit of Rs.8 crore. Customer Services showed a 40% EBIT growth. Starting FY16, the company is now merged with TCS.