Cupid Ltd

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago


Cupid, a leading manufacturer of male and female condoms, and holding the distinction of being the first  Indian company to get WHO/UNFP prequalification, is grabbing a lot of attention on the bourses and this is thanks to its consistent good performance. For Q1FY17, the company posted a total operating income of Rs.16 crore, up 27% (YoY). EBITDA rose 32% at Rs.6.5 crore and margins improved from 39.4% to 41.1%. The company ended the quarter with a net profit at Rs.4 crore, up 27%.

This debt free company has a small equity base of Rs.9.71 crore. EPS came in at Rs.3.45 v/s Rs.2.71 (YoY).

The company has signed a non-exclusive long term agreement with United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA) for supplying female condoms over the next 3 years. In addition, the company also received order worth Rs.103 crore from National department of Health (NDOH), South Africa. The execution from this agreement is already underway and will complete through fiscal 2018-19.

63.92 (+0.83)