Cyient Ltd

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago

Cyient, formerly Infotech Enterprise, like in Q3FY16, did not have a very encouraging Q4.

Its revenue for the quarter rose by a mere 4% (QoQ) at Rs.819 crore and this was led by a 3% growth in services business, 3% growth in engineering and product realization business. Operating profit for the quarter came in at Rs.106 crore, down 3.5% with margins also declining to 13% v/s 14.1% in Q3.  Net profit was at Rs.66 crore, down 24%.

In terms of geography, Americas revenue was down by 4.6% (QoQ), Europe, Midle East, Africa and India revenue rose 1.4% and Asia Pacific did the best with a 8% rise in revenue. Its total employee headcount is at 13,123 v/s 12,186 (QoQ).  The Product Realization (PR) unit continues to consolidate and integrate the original PR unit with Rangsons and Techno Tools with the addition of a wire harness unit to deliver complete box build design - led manufacturing solutions. Hopefully we will see fully integrated numbers from FY17.

1210.0 (-33.75)