Divis Labs

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago
Divis Labs


Divis Laboratories is in the limelight today, following the company’s very good Q1FY17 performance. The company posted a good 23% (YoY) rise in net profit at Rs.302 crore on a 25% jump in total income at Rs.1008 crore. Total costs as a percentage of total income for the quarter was down from 66% to 63% and this, along with the improved topline helped the EBITDA – up 34% at Rs.404 crore while margins rose from 37.3% to 40.1%.

Forex gain in current Q1 was at Rs.73 lakh v/s Rs.21 crore in previous Q1, which goes on to further indicate the strong performance it posted for the quarter.

Equity stands at Rs.53.09 crore and EPS came in at Rs.11.37 (FV of Rs.2). Promoters stake is at 52.08%.

5675.0 (+133.15)

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