Excel Crop

Excel Crop Care posted a robust set of numbers for Q4FY16. Its net profit for the quarter rose 4 times to Rs.8 crore, up from 2 crore in previous Q4. This was despite a fall in net sales – down from Rs.195 crore to Rs.182 crore. What helped was the fall in operating costs, exceptional gain of Rs.5 crore and substantial reduction in interest burden.
The company’s borrowings came down from Rs.67 crore to Rs.16 crore at end of FY16 and interest cost slipped down for the fiscal from Rs.6 crore to Rs.3 crore. It ended Fy16 with a consolidated net profit at Rs.61 crore, down 3%.
The company’s equity is at Rs.5.50 crore and EPS for the fiscal came in at Rs.56 (FV at Rs.5/share). Reserves for the quarter stood at Rs.384 crore. Cash though has halved from Rs.18 crore to Rs.7 crore.