Foseco India

58 year old Foseco India is an acronym for Foundry Service Company, supplies metallurgical products, components and services used in foundry industry. It is part of the Foundry Technologies Division of Vesuvius plc, which is part of the Cookson Group, the world's biggest maker of ceramic linings for metal smelters. The company follows the Dec year ending. And for the fourth quarter ended 31st December 2014, company clocked revenue of Rs. 64 crore, while EBITDA jumped to Rs. 10 crore, as margins strengthened to 16.1%. Q4 net margins ballooned to 10.6% (up from 8.9% in 9MCY14) as net profit surged to Rs. 6.81 crore. Thus, Q4 EPS stood at Rs. 10.66.
As at 31st December 2014, company had reserves of Rs. 98.96 crore, resulting in net worth of Rs. 105 crore and BVPS of Rs. 165. Like other multi-national companies (MNCs), Foseco is also debt free. With gross debt of less than Rs. 4 crore, cash and equivalents stood at Rs. 28 crore, indicating net cash per share of about Rs. 38. As the manufacturing sector revives steadily, company will be a strong beneficiary both in terms of topline and bottomline growth.