GIC Hsg Fin
By Research Desk
about 10 years ago
PSU home loan provider GIC Housing Finance reported 2.8% QoQ growth in operating income to Rs. 205 crore, after an already robust Q4FY15. As provisions for contingencies declined 12% QoQ to Rs. 4 crore, from Rs. 4.5 crore in Q4FY15, net profit improved 6% sequentially to one of the best ever quarterly net profits of Rs. 28 crore, translating into EPS of Rs. 5.25, vis-à-vis EPS of Rs. 4.71 clocked in Q1FY15, Rs. 4.95 in Q4FY15 and Rs. 19.12 in FY15.
On current BVPS of Rs. 128, share is ruling at PBV multiple of 1.87x, which is one of the cheapest among the housing finance companies. On a PE multiple basis too, valuation of 11.4x is amongst the lowest among peers.
163.0 (-0.30)