Hatsun Agro

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago


This is India’s largest private sector dairy company, collecting milk from over 3 Lakh+ farmers, from 8500 villages. It sells products under the brand names of Hatsun, Arun and Arokya.

Being an agro based company, its numbers are usually compared YoY, seasonality gives consistency in the comparison. For Q3Fy16, the company  posted a 16% (YoY) rise in net sales at Rs.829 crore. Costs were up 15%. EBITDA for the quarter was up 31% at Rs.71 cror while margins rose from 8.56% to 7.58%.

The company for the quarter, posted a net profit of Rs.17 crore, up 36%. The good news here is that its 9MFY16 net profit came in at Rs.77 crore , which is already almost double of FY15 net profit of Rs.39 croore. With one more quarter to go, the company is sure to end FY16 with a bumper set of numbers.

880.8 (+9.60)