about 8 years ago
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Hatsun Agro had hit a new 52-week high on the back of the performance of the company for Q3FY17. YoY performance is very good with net profit rising 70% at Rs.29 crore on a 14% increase in net sales at Rs.945 crore. Sequentially though net profit slipped 9% and topline by 5%.

YoY, despite a 13% jump in costs, EBITDA has come in healthy at Rs.88 crore, up 24% and margins have improved from 8.54% to 9.29%.  The company’s interest outgo is pretty steep at Rs.17 crore every quarter and for 9MFY17, it was at Rs.48 crore.

The company is sure to end FY17 on a bumper note as its 9MFY17 net profit at Rs.90 crore has already surpassed FY16 net profit at Rs.60 crore.

Equity stands at Rs.10.87 crore and annualized EPS is at Rs.8 (FV or Re.1).

880.8 (+9.60)

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