HDFC Bank posted a good set of numbers for Q3Fy17, notwithstanding the demonetization effect. On a 17.5% (YoY) rise in NII at Rs.8309 crore, a 13.5% growth in loans at Rs.4.95 lakh crore and 15% rise in operating profit at Rs.6609 crore, the Bank posted a 15% growth in net profit at Rs.3865 crore.
The Bank’s deposits grew 21% (YoY) and 7% (QoQ) at Rs.6.34 lakh crore. Thanks to demonetization, CASA deposits saw a 37% (YoY) growth and savings deposits rose 38%.
The asset quality was stable; Gross NPA rose marginally to 1.05% from 1.02% (QoQ) while Net NPA was up from 0.3% to 0.32%. Provisions on a sequential basis fell 4% but rose 9.5% (YoY) at Rs.716 crore.
The Bank’s CAR was at 15.9% as against RBI requirement of 9%. As at 31st Dec 2016, the Bank had 4,555 branches and 12,087 ATMs.