HDFC Bank posted a mixed bag for Q1FY17 – by mixed we mean, in terms of profitability, it was good business but in terms of asset quality and provisioning, it showed some stress.
Net profit for the quarter rose 20% (YoY) at Rs.3297 crore, driven mainly by a 22% jump in net interest income at Rs.7781 crore, 14% rise in other income and 20% increase in operating profit at Rs.5819 crore. It maintained its cost-to-income ratio at 45%.
On the asset quality front, Gross NPA rose from 0.94% to 1.04% (QoQ) and Net NPA rose to 0.32% from 0.28%. The increase in profitability was capped on account of higher provisioning at Rs.867 crore, up by a sharp 31% sequentially and up 19% on YoY. Its total restructured loans were at 0.1% of gross advances. CAR remained status quo at 15.5%.
As at 30th June 2016, the Bank had 12,013 ATMs and 4541 branches.