Indusind Bank

By Research Desk
about 10 years ago
Indusind Bank


Low provisions, higher other income and net interest income (NII) – these three together helped this private sector bank post a good set of numbers for Q3FY15. NII rose 18% (YoY). Other income was up 27% (YoY). Provisioning for the quarter was down from Rs.126 crore to Rs.98 crore. Net Interest Margin (NIM) for the quarter was at 3.67% v/s 3.65% (YoY) and 3.63% (MoM). Net profit for the quarter was at Rs.447 crore, up 29% (YoY).

Asset quality has been good in the sense that there was neither any major dip nor a rise. Gross NPA for Q3 stands at 1.05% v/s 1.08% and Net NPA was at 0.32% v/s 0.33% (QoQ). CASA (Current Accounts-Savings Accounts) Ratio was at 34%. As on December 31, 2014 the total Advances were at Rs. 63,847 crore and total Deposits were at Rs. 69,376 crore, showing a YoY growth of 21 % and 23% respectively. There was an increase in Branch network from 573 and 1055 ATMs the previous year to 727 branches and 1350 ATMs spread over 475 geographical locations as on December 31, 2014.


684.7 (+28.75)

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