Jain Irrigation

By Research Desk
about 9 years ago


Driven by a good balanced export  and Indian operations, Jain Irrigation, for Q1FY17 posted a very robust result – on a 4% (YoY) rise in consolidated total income at Rs.1713 crore, the company’s net profit was up over 4 times at Rs.58 crore, up from Rs.14 crore.

EBITDA also showed a good increase of 17% at Rs.233 crore while margins improved from 12.2% to 13.6%. Interest cost stands at Rs.10 crore, up over 12% though this was offset by tax outgo rising from Rs.1.5 crore to over Rs.8 crore. Company’s equity is huge at Rs.95.30 crore.

In terms of its verticals, Hi-tech agri inputs, which includes micro irrigation systems and tissue culture, showed a 7% drop in Indian operations due to lack of water while exports rose 10%. Agro processing unit grew 8% led mainly by an unexpected 29% jump in Indian business.  Its plastics division showed a 20% growth.

56.45 (-0.73)