
By Research Desk
about 11 years ago

For Q1FY15, net sales of the company rose 36% (YoY) at Rs.3284 crore, with a 56% jump in net profit at Rs.625 crore. EBITDA for the quarter rose 66% at Rs.1144 crore. And growth in EBITDA margin was also pretty encouraging at 34.8%, up from 28.5% in previous Q1. This overall good performance of the company was on account of strong sales from India and USA. Its domestic business rose 27% (YoY) while that from USA rose by a smart 57%. Japan too remained strong, showing a growth of 17%. Europe was the only geography which showed a decline – it was down 7% (YoY) though South Africa rose 16% and RoW rose 4%.

The company’s interest charge fell 52% and at Rs.3 crore, it is a very negligible outgo at 0.1% of the net sales, which makes it debt free. But on the other hand, tax outgo rose by a burgeoning 85% at Rs.403 crore, which ate away 12% of the topline. Capex for the quarter was at Rs.108 crore. It filed 8 ANDAs and received 4 approvals from the US FDA and with this, as at 30th June, total ANDA filings stood at 200 and it has received 103 approvals to date. It got 1 MAA during the quarter and its cumulative filings with European authorities now stand at 57 with the company having received 49 approvals to date.


1965.0 (-11.30)

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