Manaksia Industries
Research Desk
about 8 years ago

The company, engaged in the manufacture of packaging products has done pretty well for itself in Q3FY17. On a consolidated total income of Rs.30 crore, up 29% (YoY), driven mainly by other operating income as net sales was actually down 23%; it posted a net profit of Rs.11 crore, up from Rs.50 lakh in previous Q3 and up from Rs.3 crore in Q2.
The lower raw material costs helped too – it was down 25% and this helped bring down the overall costs by 23%. EBITDA came in at Rs.14 crore, up some 7 times and margins jumped up from 8.7% to 47.3%.
The company’s equity is small at Rs.6.55 crore and annualized EPS is at Rs.4.5 (re.1 FV). Reserve is very healthy at Rs.176 crore. Promoters stake is at 62.95%.
1.82 (+0.05)