
about 8 years ago


This 58 years old company is a realty developer and its main focus is the development of its Knowledge Park in Mumbai, spread over 23 acres. The development was split into four phases and it has completed all four. So the earning which we now see comes from this Knowledge Park, which has been let out to MNCs and other companies.

YoY, it has been a turnaround for the company from a net loss of Rs.11 crore in Q4FY16 to a profit of Rs.10.5 crore in Q4FY17. Sequentially, its net profit for the quarter has fallen 41%. The good news this time is that the turnaround has been purely on operational efficiency and not through a surge in other income or exceptional income. With respect to its total operating cost, it is interesting to note that of the total costs of Rs37 crore, 47% is on account of depreciation and 27% is towards Property Maintenance cost.

The company ended the fiscal with a net profit at Rs.57 crore v/s Rs.43 crore. Equity is at Rs.90 crore and EPS stands at Rs.6.35 (FV of Rs.10). Its borrowings stand at Rs.530 crore.

500.0 (+3.50)