Rajratan Global

By Research Desk
about 8 years ago
Rajratan Global

Indore based Rajratan Global Wire is India’s largest and Thailand’s sole manufacturer of bead wire, a bronze coated high carbon steel wire, used in tyre making for automobiles, earth moving equipments and aircrafts tyres, which hold Rubber tyre with metal rim, giving grip to the tyre and hence forms a critical component.

For H1FY17, company’s topline stood at Rs. 140 crore, while EBITDA came in at Rs. 23 crore. Net profit of Rs. 12 crore has been clocked for the first half, which translates into EPS of Rs. 28. As on 30th September 2016, company had consolidated net worth of Rs. 80 crore and BVPS Rs.183. Total debt is about Rs. 83 crore, majority short-term, while cash and equivalents are Rs.4 crore.

Its Equity is low at Rs. 4.35 crore (FV Rs 10 each). 62.28% owned by promoters, as of that date, while institutional holding is negligible at 0.07%. About 23.29% stake is held by 8 HNIs/bodies corporate, leaving balance 14.36% in the hands of 1,500 retail shareholders.

305.35 (-9.05)

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