RPG Life

RPG Lifesciences, formerly known as Searle (India) is a pharma company producing a wide range of quality and affordable medicines in Global Generics and Synthetic API. The company will end this fiscal on a bumper note and that will be thanks to the performance in previous quarter on account of the exceptional income of Rs.7.38 crore but otherwise Q3FY17 was quite bad.
Beginning with a 10% (YoY) drop in net sales at Rs.64 crore, the 4% lower expenses also did not help. EBITDA was down 37% at Rs.5 crore and margins fell from 10.96% to 7.57%. Net profit for the quarter fell 89% to Rs.55 lakh. The fall in the YoY performance is on account of the sale of its biotech unit to Intas Pharma for Rs.25 crore.
The company, for 9MFY17 posted a net profit at Rs.21 crore v/s profit of Rs.12 crore for entire FY16. Equity stands at Rs.13.23 crore and annualized EPS was at Rs.17 (FV of Rs.8).
28th Mar 2017 at 03:41 pm