Sanwaria Agro

The stock price had dropped to a low at Rs.9.80 on 23rd Dec 2011 and then on 17th Sept 2012, it hit a new high at Rs.49.50 but its current 52-week is at Rs.24 and it continues to get quoted at around the same low levels. This solvent extraction company, a small cap stock for Q1FY14 posted a 15% (YoY) drop in standalone net revenue at Rs.483 crore and yet it ended with a net profit at Rs.10 crore, up 69%. This was thanks to the 17% drop in total expenses and this was on account of lower raw material costs and write back up of inventory. This lower cost was offset by higher interest outgo and tax outgo. On a consolidated basis, net profit is down 35%. Since FY11, the company began to lay more stress on retail market and value added products which have helped shore numbers and its push on branded soya nuggets and soya flour helped too.
The company has been expanding its range of products under the brand names Sulabh, Narmada and Sanwaria and its rice production facility with a capacity of 200 TPD is at Manideep. The company has also launched its branded salt, basmati rice and new ranges in existing brands of soya nuggets and flour. It is planning entry into breakfast segment and snack foods this year. The company was recently granted the status of "Star Export House" in May’13. Promoter holding at end of Q1FY14 was at 70.05%. On an equity of Rs.34.80 crore, the face value Re.1/share, for the quarter posted an EPS of 29 paise.