Srikalahasthi Pipes (known as Lanco Industries Limited, till 28-9-14) is one of India’s leading manufacturers of ductile iron (DI) pipes, with capacity of 2.25 lakh TPA at Andhra Pradesh. For Q3FY16 revenue came in at Rs. 280 crore, while net profit for December quarter of Rs. 41 crore (net margin 14.8%), resulted in an EPS of Rs. 10.41.
For first nine months ended 31st December 2015, revenue stood at Rs. 831 crore, while EBITDA of Rs. 209 crore has already surpassed FY15 EBITDA of Rs. 184 crore. 9MFY16 net profit of Rs. 113 crore (net margin 13.6%), vis-à-vis Rs. 83 crore for whole of FY15, indicates strong earnings growth, translating to an EPS of Rs.28.34.
As on 30th September 2015, company’s net worth stood at Rs. 365 crore. It had gross debt of Rs. 425 crore and cash balance of Rs. 20 crore, leading to net debt equity ratio of 1.1:1 (down from 1.56:1 as of 31-3-14).