Sundaram Clayton

about 8 years ago
Sundaram Clayton

Sundaram Clayton posted a dismal set of numbers for Q4FY17. Its revenue was flat at Rs.359 crore, up 0.3% (YoY) but after that, it has been an all-round fall. EBITDA was at Rs.35 crore, down 1%, while margins too declined to 9.7%.  Net profit dropped 56% at Rs.38 crore.

Though the company managed to keep a tight leash on the total expenses, the drop in other income from Rs.72 crore to Rs.30 crore is what impacted the bottomline.

The company ended FY17 on a good note with consolidated net profit showing an increase of 16% at Rs.542 crore. Its equity is small at Rs.10.12 crore and reserve is very healthy at Rs.1857 crore. EPS is at Rs.163 (FV of Rs.5).

8441.1 (+21.90)

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