Suprajit Eng

Suprajit Engineering is India’s largest automotive cable maker with a capacity of 225 million cables and its customers list includes all the automobile companies and some of the best companies abroad too.
The company posted a solid set of numbers for Q1Fy17. Its consolidated total income rose 64% (YoY) at Rs. 254 crore and net profit rose 60% at Rs.22 crore. EBITDA was up 75% at Rs.41 crore.
These are the numbers including Phoenix Lamps; excluding that, the numbers remain robust with net profit coming in at Rs.15 crore, up 12.5%.
The company is planning to expand its business in North America and the first step towards that, it set up a subsidiary during the quarter in USA. Its unit in Tamil Nadu commenced commercial production, mainly for supply to OEMs in the state and this is expected to add on to the numbers in coming months.
Company’s equity stands at Rs.13.13 crore and EPS came in at Rs.1.50 (FV of Re.1). Reserve is at Rs.434 crore. Promoters stake is not too high at 47.37%.