TVS Electronics

about 8 years ago



TVS Electronics, as the name suggests, a part of the TVS group and is a leading Transaction Automation IT Product manufacturer & service provider. It has posted very good numbers for Q4FY17. The company posted a net sales of Rs.943 crore v/s Rs.99 crore in previous Q4 – a jump of over 9.5 times. This was mainly on account of its distribution services segment which showed a superlative jump up from Rs.22 crore to Rs.845 crore and EBIT jumped up from a mere Rs.5 lakh to Rs.3 crore. The other segment – IT products and technical services remained staid – topline was up 27% (YoY)  and EBIT was down 29% at Rs.3 crore.

The company has obviously benefitted immensely from India trying to go cashless after demonetization drive. TVS Electronic is the only company that manufactures cashless payment machines.

The company thus ended the quarter with a net profit at Rs.6 crore v/s Rs.80 lakh in previous Q4. EBITDA was at Rs.7 crore v/s Rs.4 crore.

It ended FY17 with a net profit at Rs.7 crore v/s Rs.5 crore in Fy16. Equity is at Rs.18.61 crore and EPS is at Rs.3.66. (FV of Rs.10). Borrowings stand at Rs.26 crore and cash is at Rs.13 crore. Networth stands at Rs.59 crore.

294.5 (-6.60)

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