WIM Plast
Research Desk
about 9 years ago

Wim Plast, the maker of “Cello” brand of plastic extruded and moulded articles had a very good first quarter. The company has got its shareholders and the markets thrilled. A good Q1FY17 performance and a liberal bonus.
On a total income of Rs.15% (YoY) at Rs.99 crore and on this, net profit came in at Rs.13 crore, up 44%. EBITDA for the quarter came in at Rs.23 crore, up 42% and margins spiked up from 18.5% to 22.8%.
The company has also declared a liberal 1:1 bonus. This means, the equity capital which now stands at Rs.6 crore, will double up to Rs.12 crore. Current EPS stands at Rs.22.50 (FV of Rs.10/share). Promoters stake is healthy at 74.96%; FIIs have a 1.72% stake.
496.4 (-2.95)