BSE: 500002 | NSE: ABB
It currents trades on NSE with symbol ABB and on BSE with scrip code 500002.

The price and other financial information of ABB is as below -

BSE 5138.4 -150.95 (-2.85%)


5138.4 -150.95 (-2.85%)

NSE 8088.9 -179.2 (-2.17%)


8088.9 -179.2 (-2.17%)

Stock Price Chart

Shareholding Pattern

Category No. of shares Percent(%)
Promoters 0 0.00
Foreign Institutions 73,60,892 3.47
NBFC and Mutual Funds 1,21,37,186 5.73
Others 1,66,72,008 7.87
General Public 1,55,23,318 7.33
Financial Institutions 12,83,690 0.61
ForeignPromoter 15,89,31,281 75.00
Total 21,19,08,375 100.01

Financial Data

Figures in crore 2012 2011
Net Sales 7,610.48 7,451.79
Operating Profit 362.61 393.94
Other Income 7.26 41.15
Interest 57.01 46.40
Depreciation 94.17 79.55
Profit Before Tax 211.43 267.99
Tax 70.49 83.28
Profit After Tax 140.94 184.71
Share Capital 42.38 42.38
Reserves 2,559.26 2,492.20
Net Worth 2,601.64 2,534.58
Loans 337.28 10.86
Gross Block 1,612.31 1,488.60
Investments 16.64 16.72
Cash 86.84 259.95
Debtors 3,280.82 3,093.56
Net Working Capital 1,571.48 1,259.41
Operating Profit Margin (%) 4.76 5.29
Net Profit Margin (%) 1.85 2.48
Earning Per Share (Rs) 6.16 8.23
Dividend (%) 150.00 150.00
Dividend Payout 63.57 63.57
Figures in crore 2021 2020 2019
Net Sales 6,934.00 5,820.95 7,315.06
Operating Profit 832.88 438.13 563.76
Other Income 280.96 170.42 95.48
Interest 18.69 24.62 28.19
Depreciation 102.70 120.36 90.40
Profit Before Tax 711.49 293.15 445.17
Tax 191.78 73.93 141.77
Profit After Tax 519.71 219.22 303.40
Share Capital 42.38 42.38 42.38
Reserves 4,002.81 3,564.00 3,477.73
Net Worth 4,045.19 3,606.38 3,520.11
Loans 91.34 63.51 62.07
Gross Block 1,207.84 1,129.63 1,021.11
Investments 0.00 0.08 0.08
Cash 2,687.74 2,206.57 1,597.57
Debtors 1,883.84 1,694.96 1,947.54
Net Working Capital 3,242.62 2,812.22 2,780.93
Operating Profit Margin (%) 12.01 7.53 7.71
Net Profit Margin (%) 7.50 3.77 4.15
Earning Per Share (Rs) 24.53 10.35 14.32
Dividend (%) 260.00 250.00 240.00
Dividend Payout 105.95 101.72 101.72
Dividend Declared (₹)
The company has declared dividend 17 times between 17 May 2001 and 27 Apr 2022, totaling Rs. 59.00 so far. The most recent dividend was declared on 27 Apr 2022 for Rs. 5.2.

Financial Data Graph

* The above data is collected from public sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the same.*

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