General Insurance Corp

BSE: 540755 | NSE: GICRE
General Insurance Corp (CIN: L67200MH1972GOI016133) operates in the General Insurance industry and has been listed in the stock market since 25th Oct 2017. It currents trades on NSE with symbol GICRE and on BSE with scrip code 540755.
The registered office of the company is Suraksha, 170 J Tata Road, Churchgate,Mumbai,Maharashtra,400020.

The management team of General Insurance Corp is led by Mr. Devesh Srivastava who is the Executive Director-Chairperson-CEO-MD. Other members of the management team consist of Mr. Amit Agrawal (Designation:Non-Executive - Nominee Director), Mr. Atanu Kumar Das (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. T. Sivakumar (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. Priya Bhushan Sharma (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mrs. Jayashree Ranade (Designation:Chief Financial Officer), Mrs. Jayashri Balkrishna (Designation:Chief Risk Officer), Mr. Satheesh Kumar (Designation:Company Secretary & Compliance Officer), .

The price and other financial information of General Insurance Corp is as below -

BSE 369.1 -19.6 (-5.04%)


369.1 -19.6 (-5.04%)

NSE 382 -12.7 (-3.22%)


382 -12.7 (-3.22%)

Stock Price Chart

Shareholding Pattern

Category No. of shares Percent(%)
Promoters 1,50,50,00,000 85.78
Foreign Institutions 37,87,758 0.22
NBFC and Mutual Funds 1,00,12,697 0.57
Others 74,00,162 0.42
General Public 3,14,94,835 1.80
Financial Institutions 19,67,04,548 11.21
Total 1,75,44,00,000 100

Financial Data

Figures in crore 2022 2021 2020
Total Interest income 49,584.59 48,582.91 50,344.57
Net interest income 49,584.59 48,582.91 50,344.57
Non-interest income 154.72 11.46 1,753.88
Operating income 49,739.31 48,594.37 52,098.45
Depreciation 13.75 14.95 18.75
Profit Before Tax 3,754.65 3,069.32 -365.68
Tax 1,555.89 1,244.33 -87.38
Profit After Tax 2,198.76 1,824.99 -278.30
Share Capital 877.20 877.20 877.20
Reserves 35,130.64 31,586.23 23,066.83
Net Worth 36,007.84 32,463.43 23,944.03
Deposits 24,037.19 21,015.97 3,251.33
Borrowings 0.00 0.00 0.00
Investments 1,04,677.33 93,990.10 70,917.61
Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debtors 0.00 0.00 0.00
Figures in crore 2022 2021 2020
Total Interest income 49,257.10 48,484.58 50,128.06
Net interest income 49,257.10 48,484.58 50,128.06
Non-interest income 121.28 0.05 1,688.36
Operating income 49,378.38 48,484.63 51,816.42
Depreciation 11.84 13.68 17.81
Profit Before Tax 3,560.14 3,163.38 -445.97
Tax 1,554.40 1,242.94 -86.88
Profit After Tax 2,005.74 1,920.44 -359.09
Share Capital 877.20 877.20 877.20
Reserves 25,255.26 23,171.48 21,045.76
Net Worth 26,132.46 24,048.68 21,922.96
Deposits 24,037.19 21,036.03 14,896.42
Borrowings 0.00 0.00 0.00
Investments 1,01,105.51 91,095.59 68,525.82
Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debtors 0.00 0.00 0.00

Financial Data Graph

* The above data is collected from public sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the same.*

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