Shriram Finance

Shriram Finance (CIN: L65191TN1979PLC007874) operates in the Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) industry and has been listed in the stock market since 8th Jan 1991. It currents trades on NSE with symbol SHRIRAMFIN and on BSE with scrip code 511218.
The registered office of the company is 14A, South Phase, Industrial Estate, Guindy,Chennai,Tamil Nadu,600032.

The management team of Shriram Finance is led by Mr. S. Lakshminarayanan who is the Non-Executive - Independent Director-Chairperson. Other members of the management team consist of Mr. S. Sunder (Designation:Joint Managing Director), Mr. Umesh Revankar (Designation:Executive Director-MD), Mr. Umesh Revankar (Designation:Vice-Chairman & Managing Director), Mrs. Kishori Udeshi (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. S. Sridhar (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. D.V. Ravi (Designation:Non-Executive - Non Independent Director), Mr. Pradeep Kumar Panja (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. Ignatius Michael Viljoen (Designation:Non-Executive - Non Independent Director), Mr. Parag Sharma (Designation:Executive Director), Mr. Parag Sharma (Designation:Joint Managing Director & Chief Financial Officer), Mr. Y. S. Chakravarti (Designation:Non-Executive - Non Independent Director), Mr. Hardeep Singh Tur (Designation:Chief Risk Officer), Mr. U. Balasundara Rao (Designation:Company Secretary & Compliance Officer), .

The price and other financial information of Shriram Finance is as below -

BSE 602.5 28.35 (4.94%)


602.5 28.35 (4.94%)

NSE 3412.55 -157.85 (-4.42%)


3412.55 -157.85 (-4.42%)

Stock Price Chart

Shareholding Pattern

Category No. of shares Percent(%)
Promoters 6,70,21,853 26.48
Foreign Institutions 15,31,61,344 60.52
NBFC and Mutual Funds 37,64,181 1.49
Others 34,95,427 1.38
General Public 1,82,79,907 7.22
Financial Institutions 73,38,801 2.90
Total 25,30,61,513 99.99

Financial Data

Figures in crore 2022 2021 2020
Total Interest income 19,255.32 17,422.19 16,561.29
Net interest income 9,482.50 8,333.53 8,247.85
Non-interest income 18.91 14.21 14.47
Operating income 9,501.41 8,347.74 8,262.32
Depreciation 135.37 137.36 141.05
Profit Before Tax 3,549.25 3,278.01 3,438.67
Tax 841.32 790.75 936.83
Profit After Tax 2,707.93 2,487.26 2,501.84
Share Capital 270.52 253.06 226.88
Reserves 25,823.74 21,464.23 17,915.43
Net Worth 26,094.26 21,717.29 18,142.31
Deposits 26,997.84 21,667.10 18,447.11
Borrowings 87,848.30 84,878.80 76,287.45
Investments 6,971.23 3,346.77 2,935.63
Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debtors 5.35 8.92 10.50
Figures in crore 2022 2021 2020
Total Interest income 19,255.32 17,422.19 16,561.29
Net interest income 9,482.50 8,333.53 8,247.85
Non-interest income 18.91 14.21 14.47
Operating income 9,501.41 8,347.74 8,262.32
Depreciation 135.37 137.36 141.05
Profit Before Tax 3,549.25 3,278.01 3,438.67
Tax 841.32 790.75 936.83
Profit After Tax 2,707.93 2,487.26 2,501.84
Share Capital 270.52 253.06 226.88
Reserves 25,661.67 21,315.31 17,778.28
Net Worth 25,932.19 21,568.37 18,005.16
Deposits 26,997.84 21,667.10 18,447.11
Borrowings 87,848.30 84,878.80 76,287.45
Investments 6,809.16 3,197.85 2,798.48
Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debtors 5.35 8.92 10.50

Financial Data Graph

* The above data is collected from public sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the same.*

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