Genesys Intnal hits 20% UC

By Research Desk
about 10 years ago

Genesys International is a leading geospatial and mapping service company in India. With a market cap of Rs.250 crore, the stock has hit the 20% upper circuit at Rs.83.15, a new high too. Volumes are huge – from two week average of around 5000 shares to 33,000 shares today morning.

The company announced yesterday evening that Quikr - India's dominant online cross category Classifieds Company is making an investment in Genesys' venture A.N.Virtual World Tech Ltd. This investment by Quikr is a strategic move as it deepens Genesys’ offerings in several verticals and consolidating its position in the online classifieds industry.

Genesys, sponsored WoNoBo ( - an unique immersive location based services platform which has helped bring millions of small businesses online and also represents the single largest unique real estate dataset of all the major cities of India.

The company had ended Q1FY16 with a net profit of Rs.3 crore on a net sales of Rs.13 crore.