GTPL Hathway in the limelight

about 8 years ago

GTPL Hathway rose over 5% at Rs.138.80 in the early morning session and continues to remain firmly in the green.

The stock price is up, reacting to its news that it has received several orders from the Gujarat Govt worth Rs.48 crore.  One was a 5-year contract from Gujarat Informatics for Rs.29 crore for providing Wi-Fi services on service/rental module including (design, built, and operations & management) for state-wide public wi-fi hotspots under Gujarat State Urban Area Network (GSUAN).

Another order is worth Rs.19 crore from Home Department of Gujarat Govt for supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Internet bandwidth for the various offices of Home Department across the state.

A recent addition to the BSE, it had got listed on 4th July and it was a very muted listing at Rs.170 – the same as IPO price. Since then it has not been able to stay above the IPO price as can be seen in today’s price too.