BSE: 541729 | NSE: HDFCAMC
It currents trades on NSE with symbol HDFCAMC and on BSE with scrip code 541729.

The price and other financial information of HDFC AMC is as below -

BSE 4248.4 -142.9 (-3.25%)


4248.4 -142.9 (-3.25%)

NSE 4227.95 -137.05 (-3.14%)


4227.95 -137.05 (-3.14%)

Stock Price Chart

Shareholding Pattern

Category No. of shares Percent(%)
Promoters 11,21,79,830 52.69
Foreign Institutions 1,87,04,539 8.79
NBFC and Mutual Funds 29,91,555 1.41
Others 1,12,38,091 5.28
General Public 2,18,36,483 10.26
Financial Institutions 7,25,083 0.34
ForeignPromoter 4,52,28,305 21.24
Total 21,29,03,886 100.01

Financial Data

Figures in crore 2022 2021 2020
Total Interest income 2,428.72 2,194.02 2,124.47
Net interest income 2,420.08 2,185.07 2,115.49
Non-interest income 4.48 7.72 18.96
Operating income 2,424.56 2,192.79 2,134.45
Depreciation 53.85 55.41 50.37
Profit Before Tax 1,855.29 1,748.95 1,653.05
Tax 462.16 423.19 390.64
Profit After Tax 1,393.13 1,325.76 1,262.41
Share Capital 106.64 106.48 106.40
Reserves 5,423.40 4,669.70 3,922.86
Net Worth 5,530.04 4,776.18 4,029.26
Deposits 0.00 0.00 0.00
Borrowings 0.00 0.00 0.00
Investments 5,570.23 4,753.25 3,944.51
Advances 0.00 0.00 0.00
Debtors 74.53 79.91 60.59
Dividend Declared (₹)
The company has declared dividend 5 times between 06 Mar 2019 and 09 Jun 2022, totaling Rs. 128.00 so far. The most recent dividend was declared on 09 Jun 2022 for Rs. 42.

Financial Data Graph

The peers of HDFC AMC are NAM-INDIA, IVC and SRAMSET. You can get more detailed information on those company by clicking on the respective names.

* The above data is collected from public sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the same.*

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