
IndiaMart (CIN: L74899DL1999PLC101534) operates in the Internet & Catalogue Retail industry and has been listed in the stock market since 4th Jul 2019. It currents trades on NSE with symbol INDIAMART and on BSE with scrip code 542726.
The registered office of the company is 1st Floor, 29 Daryaganj, Netaji Subhash Marg,New Delhi,Delhi,110002.

The management team of IndiaMart is led by Mr. Dhruv Prakash who is the Non-Executive - Non Independent Director-Chairperson. Other members of the management team consist of Mr. Dinesh Chandra Agarwal (Designation:Executive Director-CEO-MD), Mr. Brijesh Kumar Agrawal (Designation:Executive Director), Mr. Vivek Narayan Gour (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Mr. Rajesh Sawhney (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Ms. Elizabeth Lucy Chapman (Designation:Non-Executive - Independent Director), Manoj Bhargava (Designation:Company Secretary and Compliance Officer), .

The price and other financial information of IndiaMart is as below -

BSE 1987.55 27.3 (1.39%)


1987.55 27.3 (1.39%)

NSE 2924 -74.55 (-2.49%)


2924 -74.55 (-2.49%)

Stock Price Chart

* The above data is collected from public sources and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the same.*

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